The department has a longstanding tradition of delivering individualized advising to undergraduates.
Majors or minors in Religious Studies for Health Professionals (RSHP BS) are welcome to meet with RSHP faculty advisors Prof. Karen Seat or Prof. Rae Dachille. Majors are encouraged to set up a meeting to discuss internship planning and any other matters related to the major.
Prof. Seat’s Office Hours for RSHP Majors/Minors (current or prospective):
- Mondays 3:30-4:30 in LSB 202 or on Zoom (, and by appointment.
- To make an appointment, please contact Prof. Seat’s assistant Hector Silva at
Prof. Dachille’s Office Hours for RSHP Majors/Minors (current or prospective):
- Tu/Th 11:00am-12:00pm in LSB 222.
- To make an appointment, please contact Prof. Dachille at
All students are welcome to contact Religious Studies faculty advisors Dr. Jameson or Dr. Adamson for any questions related to the RELI major/minor or the RSHP major/minor:


For general advising and degree checks, please contact COH Advisor Caitlin Bryan:

Bryan, Caitlin
Bartlett Academic Success Center, 4th Floor
1435 E 4th Street | Tucson, AZ 85719
Office: 520-621-1044
Students are also welcome to contact the College of Humanities Advising Center by emailing