The major or minor in Religious Studies for Health Professionals (RSHP) prepares students to navigate the diversity of human experiences and perspectives they will encounter throughout their careers.
The Religious Studies for Health Professionals (RSHP) major (B.S.) offers an exciting degree path for students planning to enter health professions. Students pairing a RSHP major with pre-health science coursework have reported that this dual training has made them more competitive when applying for graduate and professional schools and has better equipped them as health professionals to engage with their clients as whole people.
Interested students should contact:
Dr. Alison Jameson, Undergraduate Faculty Advisor
Dr. Karen Seat, Department Head
Degree Requirements - B.S. in Religious Studies for Health Professionals (RSHP)
Students majoring in Religious Studies for Health Professionals must complete at least 30 units of Religious Studies coursework (10 courses), including a 3-unit internship. Funding is available to help support a summer internship. At least 18 units (6 courses) must be at the 300 level or higher.
Students pursuing the B.S. in RSHP must have a science or health related minor (or a second major in a science or health field). The B.S. in RSHP requires a minimum of 30 units of science and/or health related coursework at any level (including coursework for the science/health minor or major). Students must also fulfill M-strand Math requirements to fulfill degree requirements for the B.S. in RSHP. (Note that most science/health minors or majors will require a minimum of MATH 112.)
Required Courses (9 Units Total):
- RELI 200: Introduction to the Study of Religion (3 units) OR RELI 380: Encountering Religion (3 units)
- RELI 406: Religious Diversity in Healthcare (3 units)
- RELI 493: Internship (3 units)
Choose 2 in Religion, Science & Health (6 Units Total*):
- RELI 303: Spirituality & Sickness: Religion & Health in the U.S.
- RELI 326: God, Humanity, & Science
- RELI 336: Spirituality, Psychology & the Mind
- RELI 359: Buddhism & Healing
*Any of the above courses taken beyond 6 units can count toward the 9 health concentration units (see below).
3 Additional Courses in Health Concentration (9 Units Total):
Choose three courses:
- RELI 203: Religion & Medicine in Western Healing Traditions
- RELI 211: Life After Death in World Religions & Philosophies
- RELI 212: Intro to American Indian Religious Traditions
- RELI 305: Greek & Roman Religion OR RELI 313: Health & Medicine in Classical Antiquity
- RELI 360: Religion, Nature, and Climate Change
- RELI 363: Religion & Sex
- RELI 367: Yoga
- RELI 404: Religion, Gender, & the Body
- RELI 482: Tantric Buddhism
- EAS/RELI 333: Buddhist Meditation Traditions
- MAS/AIS/RELI 405: Traditional Indian Medicine
- Or one of the following: CHS 309: Ethical Issues Common to the Helping Professions OR PHIL 321 - Medical Ethics OR PSIO 411: Scientific Methods and Professional Ethics
Electives (6 Units Total)
Choose two RELI elective course (6 units). For students who matriculated at the University of Arizona in 2022 or later, RELI courses numbered 150 or 160 can count toward the Religious Studies for Health Professionals degree.
RELI course descriptions can be found here.
Questions? Please contact a Religious Studies advisor.
Student Testimonials
“I love for medical schools to see that I studied the subject of religion while in college, because I will personally be working with people from different religions and cultures. Religious Studies has better prepared me to interact with people from all walks of life as a physician.” – UA Religious Studies and Biomedical Sciences Double Major
“My Religious Studies courses were invaluable when I took the MCAT and interviewed for entrance into medical schools. The Verbal section of the MCAT exam has ‘mind/body’ essay topics that are very abstract, and a lot of people have trouble. But I was used to writing about these issues in my Religious Studies courses. Through Religious Studies, I had a lot of practice with that kind of language and topic. Thank you for preparing me for this!” – Stephanie Cardenas
Note: Students can also choose a B.A. in Religious Studies with a concentration in Religious Studies for Health Professionals.
For information on double-dipping General Education courses with majors and minors, see the Multiple Use of Courses (Multiple Use) webpage.
Upcoming course offerings can be found on the Course Schedule or on UAccess Student.
For more information on Religious Studies courses, see our Course Descriptions.
Religious Studies for Health Professionals Minor
A minor in RSHP requires eighteen (18) units of RELI coursework (6 courses) at the 100 level or higher, including at least 9 units (3 courses) of upper division work (300 level and higher), as follows:
Choose 2 in Religion, Science & Health (6 units*):
- RELI 303: Spirituality & Sickness: Religion & Health in the U.S.
- RELI 326: God, Humanity, & Science
- RELI 336: Spirituality, Psychology & the Mind
- RELI 359: Buddhism & Healing
- RELI 406: Religious Diversity in Healthcare
*Any of the above courses taken beyond 6 units can count toward the 9 health concentration units (see below).
3 Additional Courses in Health Concentration (9 units):
- RELI 203: Religion & Medicine in Western Healing Traditions
- RELI 211: Life After Death in World Religions & Philosophies
- RELI 212: Intro to American Indian Religious Traditions
- RELI 313: Health & Medicine in Classical Antiquity
- RELI 360: Religion, Nature, and Climate Change
- RELI 363: Religion & Sex
- RELI 367: Yoga
- REL 381: African/Indigenous Religions
- RELI 404: Religion, Gender, & the Body
- RELI 428A: Globalization, the Environment, & Indigenous Religions
- RELI 482: Tantric Buddhism
- EAS/RELI 333: Buddhist Meditation Traditions
- MAS/AIS/RELI 405: Traditional Indian Medicine
Choose 1 Additional RELI Elective (3 units):
Choose one RELI elective course (3 units). For students who matriculated at the University of Arizona in 2022 or later, RELI courses numbered 150 or 160 can count toward the Religious Studies for Health Professionals minor. A maximum of 3 units of independent study (courses numbered 399/499) may apply to the Religious Studies minor.
Questions? Please contact a Religious Studies advisor.
For information on double-dipping General Education courses with majors and minors, see the Multiple Use of Courses (Multiple Use) webpage.
Upcoming course offerings can be found on the Course Schedule or on UAccess Student.
For more information on Religious Studies courses, see our Course Descriptions.