
Leerom Medovoi
Medovoi, Leerom

Dr. Medovoi is Professor in the Department of English and Chair of the Program in Social, Cultural and Critical Theory. Among other topics, his research and teaching interests include: the historical co-determinations of religion and race, theories of political and economic theology, and the politics of secularism. He published Rebels: Youth and the Cold War Origins of Identity (Duke University Press, 2005) and has served as the Principal Investigator for two Mellon Foundation awards on the topics of “Religion, Secularism and Political Belonging” (2013-2016) and “Neoliberalism at the Neopopulist Crossroads" (2020-2022). With Elizabeth Bentley, he is co-editor of a collection also titled Religion, Secularism and Political Belonging (Duke University Press, 2021) that puts into dialogue the shifting politics of religion/secularism in North America, Europe, the Middle East and China.

He recently published The Inner Life of Race: Bodies, Souls and the History of Racial Power (Duke 2024), which argues that race is a technology of power whose history reveals it to have relied on theological concepts of evil and on religious techniques of governing spiritual threat.

Currently Teaching

RELI 220B – Reading the Bible: The New Testament

The "New Testament" includes some of the most famous stories we have: the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, the birth of the ancient Christian communities, and the end of the world in a massive apocalypse. We will explore who wrote these texts, what their new religious ideas were, and what features of the ancient world gave rise to them. We will adopt the disciplinary perspectives of a Religious Studies Scholar, a Literary Critic, and a Historian to do a deep dive into Jewish and Christian culture and society in the age of the Roman Empire, including how it dealt with ancient inequalities of class, gender, and religion. We will look at the different literary genres that appear in the New Testament, explore the religious views of their authors, and consider their origins and contexts in the history of early Christianity in the eastern Mediterranean.

The "New Testament" includes some of the most famous stories we have: the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, the birth of the ancient Christian communities, and the end of the world in a massive apocalypse. We will explore who wrote these texts, what their new religious ideas were, and what features of the ancient world gave rise to them. We will adopt the disciplinary perspectives of a Religious Studies Scholar, a Literary Critic, and a Historian to do a deep dive into Jewish and Christian culture and society in the age of the Roman Empire, including how it dealt with ancient inequalities of class, gender, and religion. We will look at the different literary genres that appear in the New Testament, explore the religious views of their authors, and consider their origins and contexts in the history of early Christianity in the eastern Mediterranean.