Fulfill Degree Requirements with Religious Studies!
All courses are fully online (asynchronous). Most meet Gen Ed requirements (including new Gen Ed requirements) - check the schedule of classes for more details.
Summer Pre-Session (05/16/2022 - 06/04/2022)
RELI 160A1 - Gods, Goddesses, and Demons: Divinity in South Asia
RELI 160D4 - Introduction to World Religions
RELI 203 - Religion and Medicine in the Western Healing Traditions
RELI 335 - Rap, Culture and God
RELI 336 - Spirituality, Psychology, and the Mind
RELI 350 - Hindu Mythology
RELI 367 – Yoga
Summer 5-Week 1 (06/06/2022 - 07/07/2022)
RELI 160A1 - Gods, Goddesses, and Demons: Divinity in South Asia
RELI 160D4 - Introduction to World Religions
RELI 227 - Religion and Film
RELI 304 - The Question of God
RELI 306 - Christianity in the Greco-Roman World
RELI 335 - Rap, Culture and God
RELI 350 - Hindu Mythology
RELI 367 – Yoga
Summer 5-Week 2 (07/11/2022 - 08/10/2022)
RELI 160A1 - Gods, Goddesses, and Demons: Divinity in South Asia
RELI 160D4 - Introduction to World Religions
RELI 235 - Religion, Violence, and Terrorism
RELI 300 - Christian Literature and Thought
RELI 304 - The Question of God
RELI/CLAS 305 - Greek and Roman Religion
RELI 335 - Rap, Culture and God
RELI 350 - Hindu Mythology
RELI 367 – Yoga
In-state tuition for ALL in Summer/Winter sessions!
Register Now! https://registrar.arizona.edu//winter-session
Questions? Contact: Dr. Karen Seat at kkseat@arizona.edu or Lyn Duran at laduran@arizona.edu.