A core mission of the Religious Studies Program at the University of Arizona is to foster deeper understanding of the complex religious traditions in our community and around the world. Over the years, many of our students have visited the Islamic Center of Tucson (ICT) in order to learn more about the religion of Islam. The people of the ICT have graciously welcomed our students and faculty, sharing their time and space with generosity and kindness.
We are grieved to learn of the vandalism experienced by our friends at the ICT. We encourage students and community members to engage in community and University events to learn more about the ICT and the religion of Islam. With 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide, Islam is the religion of many of our students, coworkers, neighbors, and friends.
We also encourage students to enroll in one of the numerous courses on Islam offered by the University of Arizona.
Finally, we would like to call attention to the statement prepared by Professors Monica Casper and Adela Licona in response to the vandalism, at http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/not-on-our-block-a-collective-respon…. Anyone wishing to show their solidarity with the ICT is welcome to sign the petition.
Karen Seat, Director
Photo Credit: (Twitter Photo/@TucsonNewsNow)